Post Unit-Thinking
Theoretical Foundations
Unit-Thinking is so prevalent that it seems like the inevitable, "normal" and "natural" way to think about the world.
However, it is a way of thinking linked to specific historical period and worldview linked with it: the modernity.
We examine such specificity and constructedness in order to demystify and dismantle it: we can think and act beyond unit-thinking!

This book, "Fairies, Ghosts, and Santa Claus," introduces the idea of unit-thinking and discuss it as a "tinted glass" to see the world.
It also analyze various cases from classroom to see how unit-thinking get destabilized or perpetuated.
It provides a theoretical foundation of unit-thinking in terms of the politics of seeing using Slavoj Zizek's notions of fetish and Walter Benjamin's notion of optical unconscious.