Neriko Musha Doerr

Ramapo College
Adjunct Professor of Anthropology and International Studies
Humanities and Global Studies
I'm interested in the topics of race relations, language and power, automobility, civic engagement, nationalism, globalism, education, heritage politics, indigenous politics, (post)colonialism, neoliberalism, governmentality, media studies, and critical literacy.
My research areas are language education, global education, study abroad programs, alternative break programs, experiential learning, bilingual education, heritage language, and automobile politics
Geographical areas of interests are Aotearoa/New Zealand, Japan, the United States, and anywhere study abroad and alternative break trips takes me.
I provide theoretical frameworks for Beyond Unit Thinking workshops and related resources. Click links on this page to see my works.

Fairies, Ghosts, and Santa Claus:
Tinted Glasses, Fetishes, and the Politics of Seeing
Berghahn Books
click here
This book discusses the theoretical framework the Beyond Unit Thinking is based on. It introduces notions of tinted glasses, coherants, and unit thinking.

Awards and Grants
2020 CIHE (The Council for International Higher Education) Award for Significant Research on International Higher Education from the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) for the volume, Education Abroad: Bridging Scholarship and Practice, edited by Anthony C. Ogden, Bernhard Streitwieser, Christof Van Mol. Oxford: Routledge, in which I co-wrote (as the first author) a chapter with David Puente and Uichi Kamiyoshi (“Global Citizenship, Identity and Intercultural Competence: Student Identities in Education Abroad”).
2019-2020 Capacity Building Program for U.S. Study Abroad Small Grant from the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
2017-2020 Japan Society for the Promotion of Research Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research, Type C (total amount: ¥4,290,000; #34310-06-1-4202-0003)—an overseas collaborator with Greg Poole (Doshisha University), Milos Debnar (Ryukoku University), Yuki Imoto (Keio University), Tomoko Tokunaga (Keio University), Adam Matthew Komisarof (Keio University), and Bruce White (Doshisha University).
2017 ResearchGate: “the most cited research items from Ramapo College” (December 31, 2017)
2017 The You Deserve a Hand Recognition for April 2017 for organizing and arranging students to testify at the New Jersey State Fiscal Year 2018 budget hearing. Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, Ramapo College.
2015 Outstanding Faculty Commitment Award in recognition of teaching circle participation and dedication to civic engagement and service learning, Ramapo College Community and Civic Engagement Center.
2015 “The Most Read Article throughout 2014” of the journal, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education (33 articles published in 2014) for the article, “Do ‘Global Citizens’ Need the Parochial Cultural Other?: Discourses of Study Abroad and Learning by Doing” 43(2): 224-243.
2014-2015 “Neriko Musha Doerr Alternative Break Award” was established in my honor by Ramapo College Community and Civic Engagement Center, providing $250 to a student going on an alternative break trip
2013 Outstanding Faculty Partner Award in recognition of outstanding contribution to alternative spring break program, Ramapo College Community and Civic Engagement Center
2012 Presidential Special Recognition Award, The Council on Anthropology and Education, A Section of the American Anthropological Association
1998-1999, 1994-1995 Sage Fellowship, Cornell University
1997-1998 Fulbright-Hays Fellowship: Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad